Top 10 most expersive toys in the world.

Amazing toys.....
Priciest Pacifier
For the baby who has everything, it's a 14-carat white gold binky studded with 278 pave diamonds, perfect for play dates with dignitaries. Happily, shipping is free from Personalized Pacifiers, which will make you feel better when it's covered in drool.
Priciest Video Game System via
You could pay for a year of college, or you could try to find this 18-carat gold Nintendo Game Boy for sale on eBay. The limited-edition handheld toy was created by British jewelers Asprey of London in 2006. Between its diamond-lined screen and jeweled power button, Mario and Luigi never looked so good.
Priciest Whac-a-Mole Game

Hammacher Schlemmer
The fine folks at Hammacher Schlemmer have created a king-size, personalized version of the well-known carnival game, complete with remote-controlled doors and shelves for your favorite liqueurs. Happily, the mallets are included in the price of the system, since we can only imagine what they’d go for individually.
Priciest Clubhouse
Want to really impress the grandkids? Forget that rickety old treehouse you've been building for ages, and head to, where you can buy the New England Lodge Playhouse, a custom-built play home that's just their size.
For extra grandparent points, have it outfitted with cable TV, running water, and central air. Hey – at least there's no mortgage.
Priciest Toy Sold on eBay

This Lionel 3360 Burro Crane may look humble and unassuming, but it’s actually a prototype for many model cranes released in the 1950s. Kept in pristine condition, it fetched exactly $85,062.25 in an online auction, or around the same price as a 2012 BMW convertible.
Priciest Monopoly Game

Do not pass go, do not collect $200 – because it won't be nearly enough to buy the most expensive Monopoly kit ever, a 1933 edition hand-crafted by creator Charles Darrow.
The oldest surviving version of the game, it features a round board drawn in pen, as well as 200 individual pieces.
Priciest Teddy Bear Line

Ashby Bears
To celebrate the Teddy Bear's 125th birthday in 2000, German stuffed-animal specialists Steiff created 41 limited edition toys, replete with golden mouths and sapphire eyes. One of them – presumably the cutest – went for $195,000 in auction.
Priciest Dollhouse

Egeskov Castle
Eat your heart out, Barbie. Your Dream House is cute and all, but it’s nothing compared to Titiana's Palace. Begun in 1907 and finished in 1922 by British painter Sir Nevile Wilkinson, it contains 18 rooms and 3000 separate pieces of miniature art, including tiny mahogany furniture.
Priciest Barbie
Who's blonde, 11.5 inches tall, and wears a diamond necklace worth more than the average U.S. home? Barbie, that's who. Created by Australian jewelry designer Stefano Canturi, this one-time-only doll sold at auction in 2010, with all proceeds going towards breast cancer research.
Priciest Model Car

Still from video by YouTube user m5boarddotcom
You could purchase a real Lamborghini Aventador for $380,000, or you could go for broke and buy its scale model that's 1/8 the size – a $4.8 million "toy" sporting gold and platinum rims, as well as diamonds in its seats, steering wheel, and headlights. Sadly, there’s no word on the number of cupholders.